Zinger likes Sprinkles Cupcakes

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Gingerbread people. She likes it.

It's holidays season. Zinger always looks forward to this time of the year because she knows there are a lot of sweets around. Yesterday, Zinger got 4 Gingerbread people. They are so cute, with big smiles like Zinger. She hasn't eaten them yet because she likes looking at them. She likes it. 


Anonymous said...

If Zinger likes the gingerbread people, Kbboy will buy a gingerbread house kit for Zinger to build. I am sure Zinger will love it!

PS: KBboy can buy some TJs vanana yougurt and one banana if Zinger is hungry.

Zinger said...

Of course Zinger likes gengerbread house. Her gingerbread house will be the prettiest one on the block.