Zinger likes Sprinkles Cupcakes

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Watching Olympics on TV. She likes it.

Zinger loves to watch her favorite athletes competing in the Olympics. She watched the Flying Tomato Shawn White win the gold metal in Snowboard half pipe. Zinger didn't miss a second of the broadcast of the snowboard cross. Zinger herself rides the pillow board too. She also likes to watch Apolo Anton Ohno skating. Zinger got very excited when Apolo won bronze and silver in the 1500m and 1000m, respectively. Zinger is very proud of Apolo. Of course, one of Zinger's favorite sports is the skeleton. Zinger also happens to be very good at this sport herself. It has been a very good week for Zinger, watching Olympics on TV all week. She likes it.

Chaelsey's Bakery. She likes it.

There is a new bakery in town: Chaelsey's bakery. When zinger found out of this new bakery, she had to go check it out. She got pumpkin loaf bread and a chocolate croissant. Pumpkin bread is good. Soft and tasty. Cannot really taste the pumpkin. Because it's not sweet, so Zinger lets others enjoy it. But she approves. The croissant is still warm and very flakey. It is BIG!!! And the taste......??? Very flakey with sweet chocolate fillings. Zinger Very buttery, the way a croissant should be. She likes it.

Happy Lunar New Year. She likes it.

Zinger celebrated the Lunar New Year with some fat cakes made by Cousins, sweet rice cake and pineapple. Displaying these foods in the house will bring a prosperous year to everyone in Monkichi's house. Zinger wishes everyone a happy new year and a healthy and prosperous year. She likes it.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

No Youtube on TV. She doesn't like it.

Zinger could not get her new LED TV to connect to internet. Therefore she couldn't watch Youtube. She doesn't like it.

New LED TV. She likes it.

Zinger got a new LED TV. It's much thinner than the one she was watching before. But it's only 46 inches. But the picture sis much brighter. She likes it.